Planning Appeals

Clients require objective and dispassionate advice before embarking on a planning appeal. Keith can advise as to the chances of success and give an estimation of the total costs involved. When launching a planning appeal it is important to have a clear strategy in place. Keith will explain the appeal process without resorting to jargon and indicate whether it would be advisable to appeal by written representation or to request that the Planning Inspectorate agree to a Planning Inquiry.

Keith works in conjunction with solicitors specialising in planning appeals and can brief them as to the facts and history of the case. He can also recommend barristers for individual appeals taking into account costs and level of expertise.

It is advisable to seek advice at the outset and to remember that applicants only have 3 or 6 months, depending on the circumstances, to submit an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate from the date of the letter refusing planning permission. Cases are often complex and require adequate preparation time so please don't leave it to the last minute before making contact.